Woman's startup crafting business thrives

TULSA, Okla. — Sallie Dale is the CEO of "The Urban Acres."
"I accidental CEO -- Crafting Executive Officer."
The entrepreneur utilized to beryllium a precocious schoolhouse creation teacher, but erstwhile she and her hubby were getting acceptable to invited their archetypal child, Dale recovered a mode to beryllium a stay-at-home mom.
"I started selling kits astatine Christmas successful 2019 and it truly went well."
Dale is the girl of a cross-stitcher and granddaughter of a painter. She uses her endowment to plan punch needle patterns.
"I merchantability a kit that has each of the material, everything you need," Dale said.
"You unfastened the container and you tin commencement making."
It turns out, her timing was perfect.
"And past 2020 deed and everyone was looking for thing to bash astatine home," she said.
Because of the pandemic, Dale's Etsy business, "The Urban Acres," thrived. Kits were selling similar blistery cakes. People who had ne'er heard of punch needling were learning this precise aged craft.
"It's ever been a mode historically for women, specifically, to explicit creativity," Dale said.
"But besides to supply income to their family." 2 News Oklahoma
Photos: Tulsa woman's startup trade concern thrives during pandemic
Dale present employs different moms who assistance physique the kits.
"Moms travel prime up yarn astatine my house, they instrumentality it home, they upwind it up and driblet it off," she said. "So they get to walk clip with their kids and marque money."
Dale calls her designs a modern revival of punch needle and says it's thing anyone tin do.
She's present expanding her designs and volition see accepted embroidery kits soon. Her kits are sold worldwide connected her Urban Acres website and successful retail stores crossed the U.S.
"I've got a store successful Australia that carries my kits, and Canada," she said.
"It's mode bigger than I ever thought it would be."
So big, her hubby is saying goodbye to his vocation to assistance physique the business. He wants to enactment location with the 3 astir important things successful his life: his 2 children and the Crafting Executive Officer of The Urban Acres.
"I privation to beryllium location with my kids," Dale said.
"I ne'er thought that it would supply a mode for different radical to beryllium location with their kids, and present it is. So it's precise rewarding and exciting."
Check retired "The Urban Acres" connected Etsy here.
Visit the Urban Acres website here.
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