Victim of prostitution: 'It was a living hell'

Victim of prostitution: 'It was a living hell'

HOUSTON, Texas (KTRK) -- A antheral accused of forcing girls arsenic young arsenic 14 to enactment arsenic prostitutes accepted a plea woody conscionable days earlier going to trial.

Malik Hayman, 26, was fixed 25 years successful situation for charges stemming from 2018.

The Harris County District Attorney's Office said helium had 10 victims.

One of his victims is Asia Phipps. She was successful her aboriginal 20s and surviving successful Atlanta erstwhile she said helium contacted her connected Instagram.

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"I similar being connected Instagram, liking pictures, you know, mean things and past helium [direct messaged] maine close after," she recalled.

Phipps said she was moving arsenic a dancer and was looking for caller places to dance. He presented her with an accidental successful Houston that she jumped on. Hayman adjacent sent her a autobus ticket.

"He helped maine with my bag, you cognize gentlemen things," Phipps said. "Everything was going bully and helium took maine to get my nails done, and past helium was like, 'Y'all are astir to spell outside,' and past I was like, 'Outside?'"

She said she and different miss were forced to enactment arsenic prostitutes connected Bissonnet and Tidwell for 2 weeks and springiness their net to Hayman. The committedness of moving arsenic a dancer was ne'er fulfilled. Phipps called Hayman a 'con artist'.

SEE ALSO: Report pursuing 549 Harris Co. quality trafficking cases reveals 90% not required to registry arsenic enactment offenders

While she was successful Houston, she said Hayman got connected police's radar and things changed.

"It was a surviving hell," Phipps said. "It was the worst. He got much violent. He was treating maine differently. He really enactment his hands connected me."

Things got truthful atrocious that Phipps feared Hayman would termination her, truthful she attempted to instrumentality her ain life.

She said helium chopped disconnected her quality to pass with family, but she devised a program and contacted her mother. Within astir 2 weeks of arriving successful Texas, Phipps escaped and took a autobus backmost to Atlanta.

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Phipps was aboriginal subsequently arrested.

"We did person the young victims, 14 and up, being forced done beatings to prosecute successful the activity," said Johna Stallings, the part main of big enactment crimes and trafficking with the Harris County District Attorney's Office. "When they are not gathering their quota, erstwhile they are not bringing successful capable wealth from the enactment buyers, then, successful turn, these young girls are being hurt, being beaten and whipped. [It's] not conscionable with Hayman, but with a batch of the enactment traffickers successful our city."

Stallings said each year, connected average, the Harris County District Attorney's Office prosecutes betwixt 230 to 275 trafficking cases. She called it a "significant problem" successful Harris County.

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