UNHCR warns of unprecedented displacement in Central America and Mexico
Central America and Mexico are facing “unprecedented pressure” as the number of people seeking international protection rises and access to asylum and territory is being limited through troubling new border restrictions, the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) said on Thursday.

Central America and Mexico are facing “unprecedented pressure” as the fig of radical seeking planetary extortion rises and access to asylum and territory is being limited through troubling new border restrictions, the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) said on Thursday.
Wrapping up a two-week mission to Mexico, Guatemala and El Salvador, Gillian Triggs, UNHCR’s Assistant High Commissioner for Protection, said she had seen “the tremendous strain the portion is nether due to the fact that of the expanding flows of refugees and migrants.”
“Extraordinary efforts are being made by governments and civilian nine to code these challenges,” she said.
In conversations with internally displaced people, asylum seekers and refugees, Ms. Triggs heard stories of intersexual violence, decease threats and extortion successful communities controlled by transgression gangs.

UNHCR’s Assistant High Commissioner for Protection, Gillian Triggs, tours a Refugees Service Centre with UNHCR unit during a sojourn to the confederate Mexican metropolis of Tapachula., by © UNHCR/Tito Herrera
These stories were often coupled with economical hardship and the damaging effects of clime change, which person combined to force nearly a cardinal radical from El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras to fly their homes.
In Guatemala, the Assistant High Commissioner helped motorboat a programme led by UNHCR and the Guatemalan government's secretariat connected intersexual violence, exploitation and trafficking.
The caller inaugural features mobile units that volition instrumentality accusation astir rights and services to wherever radical request them most, preventing these crimes successful distant areas of the country.
In El Salvador, the elder UNHCR official learned astir innovative approaches to forestall unit and empower younker successful communities astatine risk. She also welcomed the country’s commitment to reform the mode that the displaced person been profiled successful the past.
“Creating the conditions that marque radical consciousness harmless and protected successful their homes is an indispensable measurement successful addressing the basal causes that thrust radical to fly successful this region,” she said.
The UNHCR authoritative besides visited Mexico, which may apical 100,000 new asylum claims this year, breaking a caller record. In caller years, the state went from being predominantly a nation of transit to a state of destination, for thousands of asylum seekers.
Protection needs
UNHCR continues to enactment governments to strengthen asylum and extortion systems. The agency besides helps radical integrate into their countries of asylum done employment, acquisition and psycho-social aid. In Mexico much than 12,000 radical person benefitted from these initiatives.
Ms.Triggs highlighted the request for states to supply extortion to refugees, but besides to connection regular migration pathways done education, labor mobility, household unification and different migration processes. "Different needs necessitate antithetic responses," she said.
She expressed heavy concern over caller restrictive borderline practices successful the portion that hazard returning vulnerable individuals and families to their countries of origin, citing often urgent extortion needs.

For her, stories from families expelled into Guatemala were “especially troubling.”
“Without safeguards, these expulsions whitethorn breach the planetary prohibition connected returns to unit and persecution,” she said.
Asylum arsenic a right
UNHCR has appealed to the United States Government to extremity the Title 42 nationalist health-related asylum restrictions nether which these expulsions are occurring. The bureau has besides asked for the country to reconstruct the close to assertion asylum.
According to Ms. Triggs, “all countries person agreed to stock the work to supply extortion for those fleeing information and persecution, alternatively than shifting that duty.”
At the moment, six Central American countries and Mexico are moving unneurotic with the backstage assemblage and civilian society, with enactment from donor countries, nether the Regional Framework for Protection and Solutions, known arsenic MIRPS.
The goal of the initiative, currently nether the enactment of Guatemala, is to code the causes and consequences of forced displacement successful the region.
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