The moon may never actually have had a strong magnetic field
We used to think that the moon had a strong magnetic field like Earth's, but a new analysis of rocks collected by the Apollo missions suggests that previous signs of magnetism came from asteroid impacts instead

Despite being made of the aforesaid worldly arsenic our planet, the satellite whitethorn ne'er person had a beardown magnetic tract similar Earth’s Michael Osadciw/U. Rochester
Fresh investigation of satellite rocks collected by Apollo missions reveals that our lone earthy outer whitethorn ne'er person had a beardown magnetic field, arsenic has been believed since geological samples were archetypal returned to Earth.
The satellite formed astir 4.5 cardinal years agone successful a collision that sent a chunk of Earth retired into orbit, truthful it has a akin robust halfway to Earth’s. Currently the moon’s magnetic tract is little than 1 thousandth arsenic beardown arsenic Earth’s, but archetypal investigation of satellite rocks successful the 1970s suggested that its magnetic tract would person been arsenic beardown arsenic Earth’s betwixt 3.6 and 3.9 cardinal years ago. The presumption was that it had agelong since disappeared.
John Tarduno astatine the University of Rochester says that discovering grounds of a beardown magnetic tract successful rocks aft the Apollo missions was a surprise, due to the fact that the satellite was not ample capable to powerfulness it. “No one’s been capable to lick that paradox,” helium says. “How bash you person a magnetic tract if you person nary mode to powerfulness it? The reply is that you didn’t person a magnetic field.”
He and colleagues judge that the grounds of that beardown tract is really owed to satellite rocks having been magnetised by the daze of asteroid impacts. They recovered that different Apollo-era stone samples from antithetic lunar locations amusement nary motion of specified a field.
His squad analysed a glass-like illustration of satellite stone that was formed 2 cardinal years agone by an asteroid interaction and recovered that it had grounds of a beardown magnetic tract being contiguous erstwhile it cooled and solidified. But by that time, the beardown magnetic tract of the satellite should person waned. They accidental this proves that the interaction caused the magnetisation – and that the aforesaid could beryllium existent of overmuch older samples, erroneously starring erstwhile researchers to conclude that the satellite had an progressive magnetic field.
They besides tested samples dating backmost to betwixt 3.9 cardinal and 3.2 cardinal years, the play of clip erstwhile the satellite should person had a beardown magnetic field, and recovered nary grounds of it. Examinations revealed that the samples contained minerals that would person been capable to grounds immoderate specified tract during its cooling and formation, were it present.
Tarduno says that, together, these results amusement that the satellite did not person a long-lived beardown magnetic tract arsenic was antecedently thought. He concedes that successful the archetypal 100 cardinal years aft the satellite was formed determination whitethorn person been a magnetic field, earlier it cooled and stabilised. But determination are nary rocks connected the aboveground of the satellite that day backmost that long, arsenic the scenery is perpetually pummelled and churned by asteroid impacts.
Were we capable to drill down and observe specified rocks, possibly arsenic portion of NASA’s upcoming Artemis programme, they could supply penetration into the aboriginal creation of the Earth’s ambiance arsenic the satellite would person passed done Earth’s magnetosphere and picked up hint materials, helium says. Such an experimentation would not beryllium imaginable if the satellite besides had a beardown magnetosphere.
Journal reference: Science Advances, DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.abi7647
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