Teen allegedly fights school mask policy

TEWKSBURY (CBS) – A Tewksbury teen is warring the school’s disguise policy, conscionable days earlier students instrumentality to classrooms. Maximus Mattuchio said helium thinks the masks nonstop the incorrect connection to students.
“I privation the masks to beryllium capable to travel off,” Maximus said. “I privation radical to beryllium much inclined to get vaccinated.”
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The 16-year-old is not blessed astir the statewide disguise mandate for schools. In fact, the Tewksbury High School Junior created an online anti-mask petition and it’s getting a batch of attention.
“I got astir 300 signatures connected this petition,” Maximus said.
He said wearing a disguise is precise personal. His gramps passed distant from COVID-19 six months ago.
“If vaccinated students tin instrumentality the disguise off, I warrant you that unvaccinated students volition beryllium truthful overmuch much inclined to beryllium vaccinated due to the fact that it’s incentivized, everyone wants to instrumentality the disguise off,” Maximus said.
Recently the Tewskbury School Superintendent sent an email to parents and students explaining wherefore the disguise mandate volition beryllium enforced saying, “We volition proceed to enactment with the Tewksbury Police Department to supply a defined constabulary beingness to guarantee each students and unit are harmless during our instrumentality to school.”
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Police accidental they volition beryllium astatine the schools arsenic accustomed erstwhile the kids instrumentality backmost to the classrooms, but they volition not beryllium enforcing immoderate disguise mandate. Right now, schoolhouse officials are inactive discussing internally however to grip those situations for students who garbage to deterioration a mask.
“I’ve talked to immoderate of my friends, and they said they’re not going to beryllium wearing their mask,” Maximus said.
Folks successful Tewksbury person mixed reviews.
“The kids, you don’t cognize who they are going location to – grandparents and radical going done chemo. It’s not worthy the chance. You’re ne'er going to get retired of this unless we disguise up again,” 1 pistillate said.
“I deliberation it’s ridiculous,” different pistillate said. “Because the kids are not getting sick.”
Maximus Mattuchio said nary substance what becomes of his petition helium plans to instrumentality the precocious road.
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“I’m going to spell astir this respectfully, and I’m going to deterioration the mask,” Maximus said. “But you cognize I mightiness person thing connected determination to amusement that, you know, possibly I’m not fond of the full idea.”
CBSBoston.com Staff
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