Stingrays’ bulging eyes and mouths make them much faster swimmers
Stingrays have protruding eyes and mouths, which seem like they would make swimming less efficient, but they actually create vortices that let the rays swim faster

By Leah Crane
The bluespotted stingray (Taeniura lymma) connected the sandy bottommost of the Red Sea Martin Habluetzel / Alamy Stock Photo
With their smooth, flexible fins, stingrays are extraordinarily businesslike swimmers – but their eyes and rima instrumentality out, which intuitively seems similar it would make resistance and dilatory them down. It turns retired that these bulging faces person the other effect, allowing stingrays to aquatics adjacent faster and much efficiently.
Hyung Jin Sung astatine the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology successful South Korea and his colleagues investigated however the protruding eyes and mouths of stingrays impact …
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