Shooting victim's wife charged with murder

PEMBROKE PINES, FLA. (WSVN) - Police person provided caller details successful the fatal shooting of a antheral successful a Pembroke Pines vicinity that led to the apprehension of his woman and a first-degree execution complaint against her.
According to Pembroke Pines Police, 57-year-old Michelle Gibb and her husband, Larry Gibb, were guests astatine a townhome location on Northwest 106th Terrace where, constabulary said, officers found his body, Friday night.
“They bash not unrecorded wrong our city. They were really visiting our city, staying with friends,” said Pembroke Pines Police Capt. Adam Feiner during a quality league held Sunday.
The unfortunate was described arsenic a close-knit household person with the hubby and woman who ain the townhome.
“The unfortunate and the fishy were successful the process of moving from the Largo, Florida country to the Big Pine Key country and were temporarily staying successful Pembroke Pines,” said Feiner.
Investigators said the Gibbs were near unsocial Friday morning.
“At 1 constituent successful time, 1 of the homeowners returned location and contacted 911 due to the fact that they observed their person deceased wrong the home,” said Feiner.
Detectives said officers arrived to find Larry changeable to decease with a pillow draped implicit his caput successful a child’s bedroom, with nary motion of Michelle.
“Larry Gibb was so changeable by a firearm,” said Feiner.
The homeowners, who spoke to 7News disconnected camera, said they’ve known the Gibbs for much than 25 years. They said Larry was their son’s godfather, and it was successful the child’s chamber wherever his assemblage was found.
Earlier successful the day, a neighbor’s Ring camera captured Michelle leaving the area, mounting disconnected a hunt for the 57-year-old who officers described arsenic perchance equipped and mentally unstable.
The neighbour who provided her surveillance video to officers spoke with 7News connected Saturday.
“You could spot the pistillate conscionable walking calmly with her backpack, successful nary rush, nary running, conscionable similar she was doing her mean concern similar immoderate neighbor. Pretty scary,” she said.
Police tracked Michelle to a adjacent hotel, Saturday evening.
“We established a enactment of connection with Michelle, and ultimately, aft respective hours, she agreed to surrender peacefully,” said Feiner. “Michelle Gibbs surrendered without incidental and without immoderate usage of unit due to the fact that those members of the Crisis Response Team were capable to de-escalate the situation.”
Detectives said Michelle provided a connection that helped springiness mode to the first-degree execution charge.
“I bash cognize that the circumstances that led up to it were idiosyncratic betwixt the unfortunate and the suspect, but the nonstop details are chartless astatine this point,” said Feiner.
The homeowners said Larry helped physique the nursery wherever helium was shot. It was a find that, the mates said, they wished their children did not person to see.
Michelle is being held astatine the Broward County Jail and is scheduled to look a justice aboriginal Monday morning.
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