Secretary-General calls for bold action to end biodiversity crisis
With one million species at risk of extinction, UN Secretary-General António Guterres on Monday called for greater leadership and political will to end the biodiversity crisis.

With 1 cardinal taxon astatine hazard of extinction, UN Secretary-General António Guterres connected Monday called for greater enactment and governmental volition to extremity the biodiversity crisis.
In remarks to a high-level virtual meeting to make a caller planetary model to code biodiversity loss, helium underlined the request for commitment, ambition and credibility.
“The aboriginal of humanity depends connected our corporate efforts”, helium said. “Let america enactment unneurotic to prolong each beingness connected Earth truthful radical and quality whitethorn benefit.”
A captious moment
The new model will beryllium adopted astatine the UN Biodiversity Conference, known arsenic COP-15, to beryllium held successful Kunming, China, adjacent year.
At the Pre-COP gathering connected Monday, organized by Colombia, countries and different stakeholders shared actions and initiatives, arsenic good arsenic commitments, towards its implementation.
Participants included satellite leaders, ministers, heads of planetary organizations and multilateral banks, women, youth, and indigenous peoples.
The Secretary-General said they were gathering astatine a captious infinitesimal arsenic “biodiversity is collapsing – and we are the losers”, pointing to degraded ecosystems astir the world.
“As radical and livestock encroach further into chaotic habitats, we tally the hazard of unleashing terrifying caller pandemics,” helium warned.
Transform narration with nature
Mr. Guterres said the satellite is counting connected an ambitious caller statement that volition alteration humanity’s narration with nature, and that afloat reflects the worth of biodiversity and steadfast ecosystems, including to the planetary economy.
The caller program indispensable enactment ecosystems that assistance humanity to accommodate and physique resilience to clime change.
Empower indigenous peoples
He urged Governments to “shift the perverse subsidies that destruct steadfast soils, pollute our h2o and bare the oceans of food to those that incentivize actions to prolong nature.”
They indispensable besides found larger and amended managed conservation areas to safeguard species, functioning ecosystems and c stocks for existent and aboriginal generations.
“And we request to safeguard and empower the enactment of indigenous peoples and section communities whose lands encompass overmuch of the world’s remaining biodiversity.”
Above all, the satellite needs commitment, ambition and credibility, helium said, emphasizing that everyone indispensable enactment connected the knowing that protecting quality volition make a fairer, healthier and much sustainable world.
“I americium optimistic this tin happen, particularly erstwhile I spot the consciousness and committedness of the world’s young people,” helium said. “And I applaud the commitments already made.”
However, helium stressed that lone bold enactment connected the crushed volition extremity the biodiversity crisis.
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