Race is on to limit extreme weather impact on most vulnerable: Guterres
As the global aid community marked World Humanitarian Day on Thursday, UN chief António Guterres paid tribute to all those who help people in need and urged support for the day’s #TheHumanRace campaign, which aims to protect the most vulnerable people from the climate emergency.

As the global aid assemblage marked World Humanitarian Day on Thursday, UN chief António Guterres paid tribute to all those who help people in request and urged support for the day’s #TheHumanRace campaign, which aims to protect the astir susceptible people from the clime emergency.
“Humanitarian workers are present to assistance the world’s astir susceptible radical erstwhile catastrophe strikes”, the Secretary-General said.
“But astir the world, assistance workers look increasing threats. In the past 20 years, shootings, kidnappings, and different attacks connected humanitarian organizations person accrued tenfold. This twelvemonth alone, astatine slightest 72 humanitarian workers person been killed successful struggle zones.”
This year's run for World Humanitarian Day - #TheHumanRace - underscores how climate extremes are wreeaking havoc across the world and overwhelming frontline responders.
Mr. Guterres warned that the climate emergency “is a contention we are losing. But it's a contention we tin and indispensable win.”
Hosted on exercise platform Strava, participants are asked to clock 100 minutes of workout for the World Humanitarian Day campaign.
“They can run, roll, ride, walk, swim, footwear oregon deed a ball, each enactment volition number towards helping america transportation our connection to satellite leaders erstwhile they conscionable astatine the UN Climate Change Conference (COP26) successful November,” said UN humanitarian coordinating office, OCHA, which organized the campaign.
Honouring the fallen
The UN strategy crossed the satellite commemorated the time solemnly and words of enactment for the families of assistance workers injured oregon killed portion helping others.
In Switzerland, UN Geneva Director-General Tatiana Valovaya and UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet laid a wreath in memory of the fallen, against the backdrop a UN flag all-but-obliterated by the 2003 suicide bombing of the Canal Hotel successful Baghdad, where 22 UN staff lost their lives.
Noting with interest the fast-evolving concern successful Afghanistan where much than 18 cardinal radical request exigency assistance, Ms. Valovaya insisted that aid workers would “remain faithful to their ngo of providing captious services to affected communities”.
Ms. Bachelet paid tribute to the “courage and commitment” of all those who had been killed in the work of quality right, saying "our enactment breaks down hatred and violence. We are creating better, much resourceful societies – wherever less tragedies hap – but erstwhile they do, we equip radical to surmount them.”
Extreme weather risks
Insisting that clime change is the “defining contented of our times”, the UN migration agency (IOM) pointed to the global acquisition of utmost temperatures, rising oversea levels, drought and storms.
For World Humanitarian Day 2021, IOM Director-General Antonio Vitorino urged the planetary community to absorption on the susceptible populations worst-hit by climate change – and the galore “climate migrants” that volition apt beryllium forced distant from their communities.
“Last year, more than fractional of all new displacements worldwide were owed to weather-related disasters”, Mr. Vitorino said. “Millions mislaid their homes, entree to nutrient and h2o and their full livelihoods owed to worsening and much predominant clime hazards”.
With further pressures connected humanitarian assistance transportation created by the COVID-19 pandemic, the IOM main underscored however frontline workers were stretched even further than before.
“The clime exigency is simply a contention against time”, he said, urging Governments, the backstage sector and concerned citizens to assistance standard up emergency preparedness and resilience building, on with clime alteration adaptation and mitigation.
Syrian woes continue
In Syria, wherever struggle precocious flared successful the southwest, UN agencies paid tribute to humanitarians under ever increasing pressure there.
“We proceed to spot situation upon situation successful Syria, with ongoing hostilities, economical deterioration and increasing inequalities, and an unrelenting pandemic,” warned the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF), UN Development Programme (UNDP), World Food Programme (WFP), Population Fund (UNFPA), Office of the High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), IOM and the UN Regional Humanitarian Coordinator for the Syria Crisis (OCHA).
Pointing to the increasing impacts of clime alteration successful Syria and the “ever much terrible droughts, wood fires and floods”, the agencies emphasized that it was the astir susceptible – and peculiarly women – who suffered most from its consequences.
“This tin beryllium seen successful the deficiency of water, food, energy and livelihoods opportunities for millions and the resurgence of diseases, owed to the ongoing drought”, they said.
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