Nurse saves father-in-laws life

Nurse saves father-in-laws life

CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa (KCRG) - A fewer weeks ago, Kiyla Caviness, a caregiver astatine UnityPoint St. Luke’s bosom clinic, was connected a vessel with her in-laws erstwhile her father-in-law collapsed portion driving the boat.

Caviness began CPR close away. Her mother-in-law past called 911 and began coordinating wherever they could conscionable exigency crews. Caviness says she was doing compressions for astir 20 minutes, with assistance of her mother-in-law.

“Been a caregiver really for respective years, and I’ve ne'er had to really bash it successful my job,” said Caviness. “I did what, you know, anybody that has that grooming inheritance would person done and thankfully, you know, didn’t frost oregon panic.”

Emergency aesculapian crews were capable to prevention her father-in-law and instrumentality him to the hospital. He has since received a bosom stint and made a afloat recovery.

“Absolutely a miracle, a blessing that I was there, and I was conscionable capable to assistance and assistance and that my mother-in-law was determination to thrust the boat,” she said.

Caviness says her communicative inspired radical adjacent to her to besides get CPR certified.

“Anybody tin instrumentality a CPR class, and it’s conscionable so, truthful important,” she said.

For a database of places wherever you tin get CPR certified successful Eastern Iowa, click here.

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