MPD: Drag racing accident kills 2

MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) -- Milwaukee constabulary are investigating a treble fatal mishap that occurred connected Sunday, August 15.
Officials study the car mishap happened astatine astir 7:10 p.m., astatine the intersection of N. 76th St. and W. Silver Spring Dr.
The archetypal victim, a 66-year-old Milwaukee male, died connected scene.
The 2nd victim, a 21-year-old Milwaukee pistillate besides died connected scene.
Police accidental the clang happened erstwhile 2 vehicles were resistance racing, disregarding reddish postulation signals and 1 of the racing vehicles struck the victim’s car sidesplitting some occupants.
The operator of the striking car is successful custody and being treated for insignificant injuries astatine a section hospital.
Authorities accidental the clang is inactive being investigated astatine this time.
Milwaukee Police are seeking the operator of the 2nd conveyance that was racing.
Anyone with immoderate accusation is asked to interaction the Milwaukee Police astatine (414) 935-7360 oregon transgression stoppers astatine (414) 224-TIPS oregon P3 Tips App to stay anonymous.
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