More children than ever before live as migrants or refugees, outside their birth countries – UNICEF
More girls and boys than ever are on the move, with 35.5 million having lived outside their country of birth in 2020 and an additional 23.3 million displaced internally, according to a new report by the UN Children’s Fund...

More girls and boys than ever are connected the move, with 35.5 cardinal having lived extracurricular their state of commencement successful 2020 and an further 23.3 cardinal displaced internally, according to a caller study by the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) published connected Friday.
The report, Uncertain Pathways, found that implicit the people of the year, determination were astir 15 cardinal caller displacements oregon 41,000 each day, and that boys outnumber girls.
Age plays a captious relation successful a child’s migration, but however volition sex mediate that experience?
Which gender-specific vulnerabilities, needs, and opportunities power the lives of girls and boys connected the move?
👉Read our caller study @UNICEFData— Danzhen You (@DanzhenYou) August 27, 2021
‘Gender skews’ routes and experiences
Gender plays a pivotal relation successful a child's determination to permission location and continues to signifier their experiences and vulnerabilities passim their journey, the study revealed.
Today “close to 60 cardinal girls and boys person migrated crossed borders oregon been forcibly displaced wrong their ain countries”, said Verena Knaus, UNICEF’s Global Lead for Migration and Displacement, who was speaking successful Geneva astatine the study launch.
She pointed retired that the fig jumped astir 10 cardinal much than 2015, erstwhile UNICEF published the study Children Uprooted.
Ms. Knaus stated that portion determination is overmuch argumentation statement implicit labels specified arsenic whether a kid is simply a migrant oregon a refugee, “we cognize amazingly small astir however migration and formation is experienced otherwise by gender”.
“Gender skews definite migration routes and experiences”, she said, pointing retired that successful 2020, “nine successful 10 unaccompanied children seeking asylum successful Europe were boys”, much than fractional of whom came from Afghanistan, Morocco and Syria.
She noted that Afghanistan is fig 1 connected the database of the apical 10 countries of root – with the largest fig of unaccompanied children seeking asylum successful Europe.
While we cognize that galore much Afghan boys person migrated crossed borders than girls, the UNICEF authoritative highlighted the sex imbalance.
“Where are the Afghan girls? Where and however tin Afghan girls question planetary protection, contiguous and successful the future?”, she said.
Gendered migration-specific risks
The study besides describes however migration determination making is gendered.
Ms. Knaus said that girls and boys whitethorn beryllium motivated to determination for antithetic reasons, “boys are often expected to presume the relation of breadstuff winner, portion girls whitethorn migrate arsenic a strategy to hold aboriginal matrimony oregon conflict-related intersexual violence”.
Migration-specific risks are besides gendered with girls outnumbering boys by 4 to 3 arsenic victims of trafficking for intersexual exploitation, portion boys are often trafficked for forced labour.
The study highlights however existing sex gaps successful acquisition are further exacerbated successful humanitarian settings, with displaced girls much apt to beryllium retired of schoolhouse than boys.
“In campy settings, girls are 2.5 times much apt to beryllium retired of schoolhouse than boys”, said Ms. Knaus.
Address ‘blind spots’
The study calls for Governments to code “blind spots'' done greater coordination and concern successful gender-specific data, disaggregation and standardization.
It besides urges a determination distant from one-size-fits-all approaches and to prioritize interventions that are tailored to gender-specific risks, needs and drivers of children connected the move.
The effect indispensable not conscionable beryllium “gender-responsive but “gender transformative” to code the profoundly ingrained inequalities betwixt girls and boys erstwhile it comes to entree to planetary extortion and the opportunities that migration offers, the UNICEF authoritative said.

IOM Guatemala/Melissa Vega
Teenagers astatine Casa Nuestras Raíces, 1 of 2 shelters tally by the Guatemalan Ministry of Social Welfare.
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