Man dies protecting dog in stabbing

LAWRENCE, Kan. — At 66-years-old, Daniel Brooks was enjoying status and moved to Lawrence 8 months ago. Many successful the vicinity knew him arsenic Danny.
Though helium ne'er joined and didn't person children, Brooks was devoted to his dog, Bear.
"Everything astatine his pace," Don Brooks, Danny's youngest brother, said. "When helium got up, helium got up. When helium wanted to get up and helium went to bed, erstwhile helium wanted to spell to bed, and helium and his Bear were inseparable."
Last Wednesday, the 2 walked to Dillons Food Store, 1015 West 23rd Street, arsenic they often would astir mornings.
"This was conscionable to spell get a paper and travel home," Don Brooks said. "This was thing much to him than conscionable getting retired of the house, getting Bear workout and coming home."
But they ne'er made it back. Danny Brooks was killed – and Bear injured – during an altercation extracurricular the store.
Don Brooks said constabulary told him the fishy had a occupation with his brother's canine being astatine the store — saying that Bear didn’t belong. That speech rapidly escalated to the fishy pulling retired a weapon stabbing Bear first, past Danny.
"Danny being Danny would bash everything successful his powerfulness to support his dog," Don Brooks said, "and if it was a prime betwixt Danny and his dog, helium would have, which helium did, fixed his beingness for his dog."
Police arrested Robert Davis, 54, astatine the country and booked him connected suspicion of second-degree execution and cruelty to animals.
Bear present keeps an oculus implicit the unit astatine the Lawrence Humane Society portion helium recovers.
"He has had idiosyncratic with him 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for a bully information of his beingness and truthful having things for him to ticker and radical to prosecute with him I deliberation is portion of however we've helped benignant of span immoderate of that loss," Shannon Wells, enforcement manager of the Lawrence Humane Society, told KSHB 41 News connected Wednesday.
The stab coiled enactment the elder canine successful shock. Once vets stabilized his vitals, they sedated and mended him.
The community raised much than $3,600 for his care, and soon Bear volition beryllium acceptable to permission the shelter.
"Seeing that spark, you know, is simply a delight for america due to the fact that we cognize that means that determination is joyousness for this canine up successful his life," Wells said.
Danny Brooks' family, who visited Bear implicit the weekend, is weighing their options connected whether they tin springiness him a imperishable home.
"I anticipation helium knows that – successful the mode a canine volition cognize – that, that his proprietor cared for him till the precise end," Don Brooks said. "And if it comes to caller owners that they showed the aforesaid emotion and attention."
Danny Brooks' household is readying a solemnisation of beingness for him successful October, erstwhile helium would person turned 67. They besides started a GoFundMe run for ceremonial expenses.
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