Israel-Palestine: Waste no opportunity for ‘serious’ political negotiation, envoy urges
The top UN envoy for the Middle East peace process told the UN Security Council on Monday that three months after the deadly escalation in violence between Israel and militants in the Gaza Strip, the situation there remains tense.

Special Coordinator Tor Wennesland, welcomed Qatar’s publication of $40 cardinal to supply currency assistance to needy families successful the Hamas-controlled enclave, but warned of continuing unit crossed the full Occupied Palestinian Territory.
"The existent gradual attack is simply a holding cognition and not a strategical mode guardant and a solution for the radical successful #Gaza... Gaza requires governmental solutions," said #UN Envoy @TWennesland to the Security Council
His afloat remarks 👇— UNSCO (@UNSCO_MEPP) August 30, 2021
He told ambassadors that tensions on the Gaza perimeter fence, reached a highest connected 21 August, erstwhile hundreds of Palestinians attended a rally, describing the throwing of stones and reportedly, improvised explosive devices, towards Israeli information personnel.
Israeli forces fired connected Palestinian protestors, injuring 51 Palestinians, including 25 children. Reiterating that children indispensable ne'er beryllium targeted, Mr. Wennesland called connected each sides to amusement restraint, debar provocations astatine the obstruction and support the protests peaceful.
Palestinian deaths
Drawing attraction to a fig of Palestinian deaths successful July and August, helium highlighted the sidesplitting of an 11-year-old Palestinian lad successful Beit Ummar connected 28 July, aft Israeli information forces fired astatine the car helium was travelling successful with his begetter and siblings.
While Israeli authorities person opened an investigation, helium added that the adjacent day, information unit killed a 20-year-old Palestinian man, amid clashes during the boy’s funeral.
Also voicing interest astir Israeli settler unit against Palestinian civilians, helium said further measures indispensable beryllium taken to guarantee that Israel fulfils its work to amended support Palestinian civilians.
He called connected Israeli information forces to workout maximum restraint and usage lethal unit lone erstwhile it is strictly unavoidable successful bid to support life.
End arrests of rights defenders
Noting that connected 21 August, Palestinian information forces arrested 23 people, including well-known quality rights defenders and lawyers, successful Ramallah for their information successful a planned demonstration, the Special Coordinator called connected the Palestinian Authority, which governs the West Bank, to instantly halt arrests of quality rights defenders connected charges that interruption their close to state of expression.
Mr. Wennesland pointed to caller seizures of Palestinian-owned structures successful East Jerusalem and urged Israeli authorities to desist.
Noting a gradual and partial easing of the entree restrictions successful Gaza by Israeli authorities, helium said that for the archetypal clip successful 18 months, permits volition beryllium fixed to 2,000 Palestinian traders and 350 businesspeople, to transverse from Gaza into Israel.
However, the measurement of commercialized inactive remains beneath pre-escalation levels, helium noted, adding that nary magnitude of humanitarian oregon economical enactment connected its ain volition code the challenges facing Gaza.
Political solutions
“Gaza requires governmental solutions that volition spot a afloat lifting of Israeli closures, the instrumentality of a morganatic Palestinian Government and the constitution of an independent, sovereign Palestinian State,” helium said.
Commenting connected militant radical Hamas’s takeover of a UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) school, helium said the bureau had declared its institutions “inviolable astatine each times” and protested the move.
“While the schoolhouse was subsequently vacated by Hamas, specified actions undermine the inviolability and neutrality of UNRWA premises and compromise the information instrumentality of children to their schools connected time”, helium said.
Turning to the “precarious” authorities of the Palestinian Authority’s finances, helium said that Israel continues to deduct from the monthly transportation of clearance revenues, an magnitude equivalent to what it calculates is paid by the Palestinian Authority “to the families of prisoners and martyrs”.
Positive engagement
Also noting meetings betwixt Israeli Ministers and their Palestinian counterparts, arsenic good arsenic a gathering connected Sunday betwixt Israeli Defence Minister Benny Gantz and President Abbas, helium described the second arsenic “the highest-level gathering betwixt the 2 sides since the enactment of the existent Israeli Government.”
“No positive, hopeful measurement should beryllium wasted”, helium said, calling for superior governmental efforts to instrumentality to meaningful negotiations that volition code each last presumption issues, execute a negotiated extremity to the occupation, and the imaginativeness of 2 States surviving side-by-side.
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