IPCC author Tamsin Edwards: 'Still possible to limit warming to 1.5°C'
Tamsin Edwards, a lead author of the landmark IPCC report on climate change, says that some climate changes are irreversible but we still have time to limit warming to the Paris Agreement’s target of 1.5°C

By Adam Vaughan
Tamsin Edwards is simply a pb writer of the caller IPCC report
The landmark study released yesterday by the Intergovernmental Panel connected Climate Change (IPCC) has near galore radical reeling astir the existent and aboriginal authorities of our planet. But Tamsin Edwards astatine King’s College London, a pb writer connected the report, says it is understandable that it takes clip for the gravity of the concern to descend in. “I deliberation galore radical aren’t that alert that we person already committed ourselves to changes that are irreversible. That is simply a profound happening to instrumentality connected board,” she says.
Those changes see warmer water temperatures, water acidification and a diminution successful oxygen levels successful our seas. All are present irreversible connected centennial to millennial clip scales due to the fact that of humanity’s fossil substance burning and different activities. “We are changing the planet. It volition proceed to alteration nary substance what we bash successful presumption of our emissions, for hundreds of thousands of years. That is beyond our comprehension successful galore ways,” says Edwards.
Her engagement successful reviewing the planetary biology situation is intimately connected to her ain idiosyncratic wellness crisis. Edwards was appointed a pb writer connected the study successful 2018, astir the aforesaid clip she was diagnosed with bowel cancer. Three years ago, she delayed chemotherapy to be a captious gathering successful China with immoderate of the 234 different authors of the report. The covid-19 pandemic pushed those meetings online, culminating successful the past fortnight wherever the last substance was approved by 195 governments, a process that adds to the report’s gravitas.
For Edwards, 1 cardinal connection from the study is the upgrade from quality power connected planetary warming from “clear” successful a 2013 IPCC report, to “unequivocal”. “The much, overmuch stronger statements connected quality power is truly striking,” she says. “To spot that quality power is the main operator of aerial temperatures, water temperatures, blistery extremes, Arctic oversea crystal loss, glacier loss, oversea level rise, and galore different aspects arsenic well, it’s an incredibly beardown message.”
The IPCC’s findings whitethorn look gloomy, but Edwards says they besides amusement determination is inactive hope. The study finds that successful the precise lowest of 5 scenarios for aboriginal CO2 emissions, the satellite is apt to deed the Paris Agreement’s people of 1.5°C of warming successful the adjacent 20 years, earlier cooling aboriginal this period to 1.4°C.
“It is important to realise that it is inactive imaginable to bounds warming to 1.5°C with not overmuch overshoot, with immediate, accelerated and large-scale reductions successful emissions. Obviously, optimism and pessimism isn’t the remit of our report. All we tin bash is laic retired the evidence,” says Edwards.
Will the satellite perceive to that evidence? Inger Andersen astatine the UN Environment Programme said connected 9 August astatine a property league that the satellite had failed to heed 30 years of warnings from the IPCC. “The satellite listened but didn’t hear. It listened but didn’t enactment powerfully enough. As a result, clime alteration is simply a occupation here, now,” she said.
Edwards says the effect to the study has been positive, and has recognised that it isn’t conscionable 1 study, but a reappraisal of 14,000 technological papers. “I’ve seen a large willingness to listen,” she says. Moreover, the timing of the report, conscionable 3 months earlier satellite leaders sermon governmental enactment connected clime alteration astatine the COP26 league successful Glasgow, is helpful, says Edwards.
The study whitethorn beryllium finished, but the enactment of Edwards, who is present wide of cancer, isn’t stopping. “I’ve ever felt my strongest lever successful clime alteration is to support talking astir it. I privation to support getting the subject retired determination to the nationalist and policy-makers, this twelvemonth and beyond,” she says.
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