Injected hydrogel could help regenerate damaged cartilage in joints
A new hydrogel that can be implanted during keyhole surgery and that provides a scaffold for cartilage cells to grow on could help improve the treatment of damaged joints

Cartilage removed from a quality genu during arthroscopic surgery ANNE WESTON, FRANCIS CRICK INSTITUTE/SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY
A caller hydrogel could assistance amended the attraction of damaged cartilage successful knees and different joints. The unsocial properties of the gel, which provides a scaffold for cartilage cells to turn on, let it to beryllium implanted via keyhole surgery.
“We volition commencement quality trials soon,” says Qiuning Lin astatine the Shanghai Jiao Tong University successful China.
The cardinal spot of the gel developed by Lin and her colleagues is that it doesn’t acceptable until exposed to ultraviolet airy for astir 10 …
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