Inclusive playground celebrates grand opening

Inclusive playground celebrates grand opening

TULSA, Okla — Sapulpa celebrated it's marque caller and each inclusive playground, the playground is called Everyday Heroes.

It's located astatine Liberty Park and dissimilar different playgrounds, this 1 was built with antithetic needs successful mind.

The metropolis says the playground outgo came retired to implicit six 100 1000 dollars and was funded by the Go Bond.

There were vendors, nutrient trucks, and archetypal responders astatine the expansive opening.

The politician of Sapulpa, Craig Henderson, tells 2 News. "not lone is it for each ages, but besides for each abilities, and arsenic you tin see, it’s themed aft our archetypal responders and we are a large protagonist of our archetypal responders present successful Sapulpa."

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