Hugh Jackman says his father died on Australia's Father's Day
"X-Men" actor Hugh Jackman has revealed that his father, Christopher John Jackman, died on Sunday.

(CNN)"X-Men" histrion Hugh Jackman has revealed that his father, Christopher John Jackman, died connected Sunday.
He passed distant connected Australia's Father's Day, Jackman said, telling fans connected Instagram: "Whilst determination is heavy sadness, I americium filled with specified gratitude and love."
"My Dad was, successful a word, extraordinary. He devoted his beingness to his family, his enactment and his faith. I commune helium is present astatine bid with God," helium added.
Christopher John Jackman was an English-born accountant who emigrated to Australia earlier Hugh was born.
He raised the aboriginal histrion and his 4 siblings unsocial aft splitting from his woman erstwhile Hugh was 8 years old, Jackman told The Telegraph successful 2011.
JThe prima paid tribute to his begetter passim his career, describing him arsenic his "rock" successful an interrogation with CBS News' "60 Minutes" amusement successful 2012.
And successful an Instagram station past year, helium wrote: "My Father taught maine to ever support my promises ... Even if it turns retired that there's a amended enactment oregon thing that volition payment maine more. Be existent to your word."
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