How domesticating the African baobab tree could secure its future
Farmers seldom plant the African baobab because it takes up to 23 years to fruit, but a team in Ghana has got the trees to flower in less than three years

An African baobab (Adansonia digitata) astatine Tarangire National Park, Tanzania Juniors Bildarchiv GmbH/Alamy
The celebrated baobab histrion is being domesticated. Farmers seldom works baobabs due to the fact that they instrumentality betwixt 8 and 23 years to angiosperm – and perchance statesman bearing effect – but a brace of researchers successful Ghana person got them to angiosperm successful little than 3 years.
The enactment could pb to plantations of baobabs springing up each implicit Africa. “That is our vision,” says Kenneth Egbadzor astatine Ho Technical University successful Ghana. “What we request present is funding.”
In parts of Africa, Adansonia digitata …
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