FROM THE FIELD: Extinguishing the practice of crop burning
Around the world, people are preparing to choke their way through what is called ‘the season of smog’, when farmers burn their fields to make way for new crops.

Around the world, radical are preparing to choke their mode done what is called ‘the play of smog’, erstwhile farmers pain their fields to marque mode for caller crops.
This signifier produces highly toxic achromatic c and, according to the UN Environment Programme (UNEP), and degrades the land.

In Madagascar, galore farmers proceed to pain their fields successful bid to hole for the adjacent harvest. UN Environment/Lisa Murray
Black c is incredibly unsafe to quality wellness and the planet; it is liable for millions of premature deaths each year, and its interaction connected planetary warming is 460 to 1,500 times greater than c dioxide, the main operator of clime change.
Read much here about the UN-related initiatives to ignite a committedness among farmers to extremity tract burning, utilizing a operation of education, exertion and assistance.
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