Friends remember Marine killed in Kabul

LOGANSPORT, Ind. (WISH) — Rosa Lozano says she hasn’t been capable to slumber aft 22-year-old Cpl. Humberto Sanchez died successful a termination bombing astatine the Kabul airdrome successful Afghanistan.
Lozano recalls the times they spent unneurotic wrong her location successful Logansport.
“He said that the grooming was a spot rough,” Lozano recalled.
She says she remembers erstwhile helium sat down successful her room to archer her his ngo wasn’t going to beryllium easy. But helium loved his state and wanted to serve. Lozano’s children went to schoolhouse with Sanchez. She says they were similar brothers.
“He had a large relationship with my kids. They loved each other,” Lozano said.
Sanchez besides worked with Lozano astatine McDonald’s. She ever loved his dimples and eyes.
She says she loved the mode he’d speech and that Sanchez would inquire her for proposal similar a son. Then helium told her helium was going to articulation the military.
Sanchez was assigned to 2nd Battalion, 1st Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division, 1st Marine Expeditionary Force, retired of Camp Pendleton, California.
Even though Sanchez’s lack leaves a spread successful Lozano’s family, she’s arrogant of him due to the fact that helium was definite astir the determination helium made.
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