Fire department hosting community fundraiser

Rock Fire Department/Facebook
Rock Fire Department
Posted at 4:30 PM, Aug 18, 2021
and past updated 2021-08-18 17:30:17-04
OSAGE COUNTY, Okla. — An Osage County unpaid occurrence section is putting connected a fundraising lawsuit Saturday with a small thing for everyone.
Crafts, a soundless auction, nutrient and amusement are each a portion of the Rock Community Roundup and Chuck Wagon Feed benefiting the Rock Fire Department located 10 miles northbound of Sand Springs astatine the extremity of Highway 97.
The trade amusement and gait merchantability footwear the time disconnected astatine 10 a.m.
Admission is escaped and repast tickets tin beryllium purchased successful beforehand oregon astatine the door.
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