Drake's 'Certified Lover Boy' album cover is inspiring some ridiculous memes
Drake's "Certified Lover Boy" has been streamed millions and millions of times since it was released on Friday, and the rapper's new album is also inspiring an almost as impressive number of memes poking fun at its artwork.

(CNN)Drake's "Certified Lover Boy" has been streamed millions and millions of times since it was released connected Friday, and the rapper's caller medium is besides inspiring an astir arsenic awesome fig of memes poking amusive astatine its artwork.
The medium art, designed by British creator Damien Hirst, features emoji of 12 large women with antithetic tegument tones wearing antithetic colour tops.
Drake gave fans a sneak peek astatine the artwork past period connected societal media erstwhile helium announced his sixth full-length workplace medium was dropping.
Rapper-singer Lil Nas X rapidly announced his caller medium by posting an astir identical image featuring 12 large men.
OUT SEPTEMBER 17, 2021 pic.twitter.com/M7qVwV1uOu— MONTERO 🦋 (@LilNasX) August 30, 2021
The floodgates opened aft that arsenic brands, fans and haters came up with their ain multi-colored memes.
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The Maury Show weighed successful connected Friday by posting pictures of Maury Povich with the caption Certified "You ARE the Father" Boy -- a play connected the show's often scandalous paternity trial revelations.
Certified "You ARE the Father" Boy pic.twitter.com/BjTK39JSqY— The Maury Show (@TheMAURYShow) September 3, 2021
Crocs Shoes besides jumped connected the inclination by posting whatever these rainbow-hued critters are.
Certified Lover Of Crocs pic.twitter.com/tgrt0utHeO— Crocs Shoes (@Crocs) September 3, 2021
Tech institution Adobe showed a radical of emoji women working with their originative tools.
certified originative lad pic.twitter.com/zJmxv8XR71— Adobe (@Adobe) September 3, 2021
All the memes don't look to beryllium hurting the album's popularity -- "Certified Lover Boy" is simply a bestseller connected Amazon, it became Spotify's most-streamed medium successful a azygous day connected Friday, and Apple Music said it was the service's biggest-ever medium debut.
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