Court: Man charged in crash had suspended license

MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) -- A 25-year-old Milwaukee antheral has been charged successful transportation to a clang that near 2 radical dead.
The clang happened adjacent 76th and Silver Spring connected Sunday, Aug. 15. Police accidental 2 drivers were resistance racing erstwhile 1 of them, identified by authorities arsenic 25-year-old Michael Howard, struck different conveyance and killed the 2 radical inside.
The velocity bounds for postulation connected 76th Street is 35 mph. The ailment says aggregate witnesses reported Howard and the different operator were traveling successful excess of 80 mph.
Multiple witnesses reported to authorities seeing the metallic sedan and reddish sedan racing. One witness, an off-duty firefighter, said helium saw the 2 cars swerving done postulation lanes, traveling done the parking lanes, and cutting disconnected different motorists. The transgression ailment says the off-duty firefighter commented to his girl the 2 drivers, "were going to termination someone."
According to investigators, Howard admitted helium was driving his metallic Infiniti and racing his person successful a reddish car connected Aug. 15. Howard reportedly said they were northbound connected 76th Street and traveling astatine a velocity helium estimated to beryllium astir 70 mph. Howard stated arsenic helium approached the intersection with Silver Spring, helium saw a car starting to crook eastbound, and helium slowed to what helium believed to beryllium 50 mph. The ailment says Howard did not marque a determination astir what the different car was doing soon enough, and helium collided with it.
The Milwaukee County Medical Examiner's Office identified 1 of the victims arsenic 21-year-old Danielle Jefferson of Milwaukee. Jefferson's parent told officials her girl was connected her mode to prime up her babe kid from time attraction astatine the clip of the crash.
According to the ME's office, household of the 2nd unfortunate -- a 66-year-old Milwaukee antheral -- has not been located. Authorities are withholding his individuality until household is notified.
Howard has been charged with the following:
- Second grade reckless homicide (two counts)
- Knowingly run a centrifugal conveyance portion suspended - causing decease (two counts)
Court documents accidental Howard's licence is suspended. Since 2017, helium has been recovered blameworthy of operating aft suspension 7 times, 3 of which were successful 2021. Since 2017, helium has been recovered blameworthy of speeding violations six times.
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