Cops find blood on dumpster, body in garbage truck

LAFAYETTE, Ind. (WLFI) — Human humor recovered successful a dumpster leads constabulary to a quality assemblage successful a garbage truck. According to Sgt. Ian O’Shields, constabulary were called astir 8 a.m. aft humor was recovered successful a dumpster down Foundation Building Materials connected Rascal Drive.
O’Shields said the motortruck that emptied the dumpster was tracked down and diverted astatine 18th and Brady. The motortruck was taken backmost to the transportation presumption connected North Ninth Street Road. It was past emptied and the assemblage of a antheral was found.
O’Shields said the transportation presumption is considered a transgression scene, and constabulary are collecting grounds arsenic it is considered a suspicious death.
"It appears to beryllium an isolated incident, but it investigators are moving hard to portion unneurotic what occurred and we'll supply much accusation erstwhile we get it," helium said.
Tippecanoe County Coroner Carrie Costello said their bureau is handling it arsenic a homicide until an autopsy is done.
O'Shields said the worker calling the constabulary was the close happening to do.
News 18 reached retired to the institution that owns the concern wherever the bloody dumpster was found, but they declined to marque a statement.
An autopsy is scheduled for Wednesday.
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