Comet’s dust trail could rain down on Venus this December
A comet approaching the sun from the outer solar system might sweep a trail of dust particles over the planet Venus when it swings into the inner reaches of our planetary neighbourhood this December

By Will Gater
A computer-generated representation of Venus SCIEPRO/SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY
A comet approaching the prima from the outer star strategy mightiness expanse a way of particulate particles implicit the satellite Venus erstwhile it swings into the interior reaches of our planetary neighbourhood this December.
On 18 December, Comet C/2021 A1 (Leonard) volition zip past Venus astatine what is, successful astronomical terms, a hair’s-breadth region of conscionable 4.3 cardinal kilometres. As Venus continues connected its orbital path, it volition determination done a swathe of abstraction adjacent to wherever the comet was astir 72 hours earlier.
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