Clothes store growing while paying it forward

INDIANAPOLIS — Clothes with a Cause is simply a store with a elephantine intent and present the ngo is making its mode to Mass Avenue.
Clothes with a Cause started successful a surviving country with conscionable a rack of clothes. It past called an RV named, Betty June, home. After that, it was a store successful Carmel and present Massachusetts Avenue.
“It has been a imagination to beryllium connected wide avenue since we decided to unfastened a brick-and-mortar shop," Kelli McLaughlin said.
The caller store hasn’t been unfastened agelong but it's already getting attention. The store's trendy outfits propulsion customers in, but it’s the intent that keeps them coming back.
“In general, it is astir paying it guardant and making Indy a amended place," McLaughlin said. "The thought came astir much than 4 years agone we wanted to person a boutique doing fundraiser donating backmost to the community. People told maine if you truly privation to marque a quality see doing 100%."
The extremity is to get different section shops to travel their lead.
“We privation to acceptable an illustration for different companies to say, "you excessively tin wage it forward," adjacent if it is 10 percent of your profits,” McLaughlin said.
During the period of August each income volition spell towards Indiana Special Olympics
Click here to larn much astir upcoming fundraisers.
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