Chip Gaines is cutting his long hair (that he's pretty sure you hate) for a good cause
Chip Gaines is chopping his locks for charity.

(CNN)Chip Gaines is chopping his locks for charity.
The HGTV prima and look of the Magnolia Network said connected Instagram that he's taken enactment of the comments connected his presently agelong hairsbreadth and has agreed to get it chopped -- if radical donate to St. Jude Children's Hospital.
"WOW.. turns retired immoderate of y'all truly don't similar my hair! But I tin instrumentality it due to the fact that I've been increasing it retired for a bully reason," helium wrote. "I'm going to chopped my hair, and I'm asking you to chopped a check—and let's spot if we tin rise a boatload of wealth for the kids astatine @stjude."
St. Jude has launched a leafage for donations. Gaines added that he'll beryllium donating his hairsbreadth to the nonprofit Children With Hair Loss.
The run runs until Friday.
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