Amid Delta Surge, Major Companies Mandate Masks, Vaccines
The surge of Delta variant COVID-19 cases is driving companies to revise their rules for masks and vaccinations for both employees and customers.

Aug. 5, 2021 -- The resurgence of COVID-19 owed to the Delta variant and the refusal of galore to get vaccinated person caused the CDC to urge wearing masks careless of vaccination status. This alteration has encouraged companies to statesman mandating masks and vaccinations to support their employees.
Here is simply a database of companies that person made this change.
- Apple -- Both unit and customers request masks successful stores successful high-risk areas.
- Uber -- Office workers indispensable deterioration a disguise careless of vaccination status.
- Kroger -- Employees are required to deterioration a mask.
- Walt Disney -- Mandated masks for each guests indoors careless of vaccination status
- Walmart -- Reimposing disguise regularisation for employees successful high-risk areas
- Home Depot -- Employees are required to deterioration a mask.
- Target -- Employees are required to deterioration a mask.
- Lowe’s -- Employees are required to deterioration a mask.
- McDonald’s -- Employees and customers are required to deterioration masks successful high-risk areas.
- Verizon -- Masks are required successful each stores for unvaccinated customers and employees.
- Publix -- Employees are required to deterioration a mask.
- Aldi -- Unvaccinated employees and customers are required to deterioration masks.
- CVS -- Unvaccinated employees and customers are required to deterioration masks.
- Google -- Vaccine request for employees returning to the office
- Facebook -- All employees indispensable get vaccinated earlier returning to the office.
- Walmart -- All firm employees indispensable beryllium vaccinated.
- Microsoft -- Employees, vendors, and guests entering Microsoft’s buildings volition request impervious of vaccination.
- Lyft -- All employees moving successful Lyft’s offices indispensable beryllium vaccinated.
- Tyson Foods -- Office, slaughterhouse, and poultry works employees indispensable beryllium vaccinated by Nov. 1.
- Netflix -- Mandated vaccinations for formed and unit connected each U.S. productions
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